Tuesday, August 12, 2008

OliVia's Fave

Sophisticated toys such as computer games, cell phones and convenient music pods entertain our children these days. Kids are very fortunate to have these electronic devices so readily available even though the jury is still out on the positive or negative affect they will have on our children in the future. I suppose the camera is Olivia’s favourite toy, except when bedtime comes and her two twin dolls are tucked in with her. At almost every family function she is curious to try another camera trick to see, instantly I might add, what kind of picture the digital camera is able to produce.

We go to the beach quite often where it’s almost impossible to not take a picturesque photo. One evening at dusk, Olivia had the idea to have her picture taken as she jumped from the Lifeguard ladder she wasn’t suppose to be on. While she doesn’t know the mechanics of speed and focus…at least I don’t think she does…she was very intrigued that the camera stopped her in mid air. Soon, all the other little kids wanted to be “stopped” in mid air by the camera, and a new game began. I like to think that she ponders that thought in the middle of the night and thinks of more photo shoots that create fascinating patterns and compositions for creative artwork and possible venues of opportunity for others to share and participate in.

Naw, most likely she falls fast asleep along side her twin dolls, dreaming about the new tap dance shoes she got the other day. But, it will be interesting to see where her curiosity and fascination with the camera will take her in the future. I’m already impressed.

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